I drew this and laminated it with my whiz-bang home laminator, only to have my perfectionist efforts thwarted by wrinkles in the lamination (if you know me, you can imagine my Type A reaction to these wrinkles). Of course, I hadn't scanned it before the Wrinkles of Doom, so you get to see it in all its imperfect glory. But hey, being a parent is all about learning what to worry about and what to let go, and the wrinkles have to go in the latter category (see, I'm growing!). Besides, I can already think of more items to add, so this may just have to be a test run. My plan is to stick some magnetic strips on the back and leave it on the fridge at her eye level. Whenever the food I'm preparing contains dreaded ingredients, I'll help her find them on her edible rainbow. We will also use it when we plan our grocery shopping trips. I may make extra copies for her to bring with us and use like bingo cards to get her interested in observing what's available.
Well, all I can say is. Im hungry.
Well said.
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