In the wee small hours of this morning, my dreams included two people from high school who I didn't like. They were a couple then, and they are now married with child(ren?). In my dream, it was them as they are (supposedly) now, including a small child who was their beautiful daughter. We were all riding together in my car, and I was so happy to see them. The dream left me a bit confunded and not a little lonely and homesick when I woke up. I think the underlying message was not about those particular people but rather I really miss familiar faces. Markus and I were recently talking about how long it's been since we were in the States, and this is the longest I've ever been away. Yes, I've moved every 2-4 years my whole life, but most of that was within one country... the country I haven't lived in for nearly 4 years now and haven't visited in over a year. Lemme tell ya, there's nothing like waking up homesick in the world's most isolated capital city to make one feel far from home.
Dejected and tense as I was, this was to be the morning for starting my new exercise routine, so I geared up and off we went after dropping Ellie off at school. As usual, Markus was right. It's hard to beat this locale:
Baby Stephanie was beautifully cooperative and was happy as a clam (as ever!) in the jogging stroller, munching away on crackers from the Snack Trap (clever little unnecessary-but-useful thing!). I walked to a small playground and back again, stopping at the playground for my little swinger.
Back home again, showered and belly full of healthy food (exercise helps motivate in that department too!), I feel so good having gotten some needed exercise and I realize that I no longer feel tense, sad or lonely. I just feel refreshed and good! And I feel even better knowing that Markus's leave has been approved for our trip back to the States in a few months' time. Next up, flight planning...
Once again, you are good inspiration to get my behind in gear and start exercising...I just feel I need to do it to be more healthy, you know? Although, it would be easier if I had the fabulous view and surroundings that you do... ;)
And can I just say one thing about a trip to the states in a few months? WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!! :) Even if for some reason I don't get an opportunity to see you, just knowing you will be so much closer and that we will be able to talk on the phone more is awesome :)
Happy flight planning and keep up the new exercise routine!
Okay I know this wrong to ask, but now I'm intrigued... Who were the people? You know I am racking my brain as to who the mystery people could be... Oh... wait... wait... I think I know. If it's the same people it would still be child..... It came to me right as I was typing..... Yea for the States. I thought I was getting to Aussie land later this summer, but alas that was not meant to happen. My trips consist of New Orleans and Chicago. What a sad life.....
Wow! I mean seriously woman, that is the most awesome jogging path n the world! WHAT A VIEW! Get out there and walk woman!
I just did Burke Lake this morning. Hot and mosquitoey! I am SO MAJORLY JEALOUS! Cold weather and gorgeous scenery!
You one lucky woman!
Yay you're going to be in the states! We'd love to see you -I wonder if Amelia and Ellie will remember each other.
That jogging path looks fantastic - and I so miss cool weather!
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