Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!
This morning was the second and final toy collection at the toy library. When I collected the booty this afternoon, it completely filled our station wagon. If each individual toy went to a different child, our little toy drive will be able to bring smiles to more than 50 kids! Even more amazing is when you add ours to the greater pile being collected and shipped over. "Play To Heal" (our organizing partner) collected so many toys in the first 4 days of its 7 day drive that they have had to ask people to stop giving! They already have FIVE TONS of toys, and that doesn't include the collections from smaller organizations (like us) to whom they have given the green light. And this is just one toy drive from one large(-ish) organization in one part of Australia. Imagine the overall response around the country. I know it will never replace what the fire victims have lost or displace the horrible images they have seen, but the outpouring of support is overwhelming.
I am so proud to have been a part of it.
Well done :)
I'm sure it will be of great comfort for the poor children caught up in these awful events
How wonderful of you to be so involved. It is a great lesson for Ellie as well. It reminds me of the time when you were four and you were asked to give a "gently used" toy to a less fortunate child at Christmas. You picked out your FAVORITE toy to give, I was SO PROUD then, and I am SO PROUD still. You are a beautiful person, my precious child.
Congratulations on a job well done! Hopefully will pay your effort forward in the future ~ we'd have world peace soon enough!!
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