On to other things!
Last weekend, it was so warm that we christened our pool! Stephanie is still too young to tolerate the cold water, so she and I watched her big sister and papa play. Ellie has a wetsuit, so we squeezed her into that, pulled on her floaties, and plopped her in the water. What a happy little duckie she was too!
The weekend before that, Markus was finally able to get back on a windsurfer. He discovered a passion for that sport in the final months before we left New Orleans (windsurfing over in Ocean Springs on the weekends), but he hasn't been able to indulge in it since. In Qatar, it was TOO hot and in The Netherlands, it was TOO cold! People still windsurfed in both places, and we commented on the madness from the safety of some temperature-controlled locale. Now that we're here, there are no more excuses. While the Indian Ocean is a bit too wild, the Swan River makes an awesome spot for windsurfing (and kite surfing and sailing and paddle boarding and kayaking...), so off he went! He signed up for a refresher class, borrowed their equipment since ours wasn't unpacked, and had a blast!
Summer is just around the corner, so we are looking forward to getting back into more water sports again. We've discovered many wonderful picnic spots and shallow waters for kiddie splashing. As long as we can keep our skin out of the sun, we're up for some mighty fun times outdoors in the coming months! It's strange for me to think that this is October, the time of year I have always associated with cooler temperatures and autumnal foods. It's spring-turning-summer here. Daylight savings just kicked in today (more on this topic another time), so we "sprung forward" as the world I know "fell back". That puts us about 8 hours behind Europe and 14 hours behind the Eastern US. Ick. Trying not to think about it. Look at the lovely sunshine!
you all already "fell back"? We don't do it until next week. I really could have used the extra hour this week! Bummer!
Read it again, girly! We just "sprung forward"! So I guess for now I'm only 14 hours ahead of you, instead of the 15 it will be next weekend. Sigh.
Wow...that's so weird that you're springing forward, but I guess it makes sense...sigh. You are too far away. On to happier things...I'm so glad that the pool has been christened and that Markus has been able to windsurf again! Cool! Can't wait to see pictures of warm summertime fun to get us through our cold (who am I kidding, it doesn't really get cold here!!) winter...sending much love your way :)
O M G your water babies are so adorable! Both of them! LOVE THEM!!!! MISS THEM!!!
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