Over the weekend, we reached our limit with the bedtime woes (Ellie apparently being incapable of getting in bed without screaming until her sister awakened miserably), so we are trialing a new sleeping arrangement. Stephanie has moved to the back "children's wing" (fancy words on our PCR for "hasty addition to the house with dorm-style appeal"), where she seems much happier. She is a very light sleeper, and it's harder for her to hear any of us back there. Of course, the same is true in reverse so I'm sleeping back there too in another room until I feel sure she's okay. Yes, we have heard of baby monitors, but I have to ease into it. Besides, it's still quite cold in the house at night, and the idea of padding down the hall in my pjs multiple times a night in the cold just doesn't appeal to me. Anyway, so far, so good! She does still wake up, but it's twice a night instead of the horrid every hour or two she had been doing. Ellie is still struggling with night-waking too, but we think it's her big, bare room. It is kinda creepy. Thankfully, we got notice this morning that our things should clear customs this week! Hooray! We don't have a confirmed delivery date, but we are so happy to know it won't be much longer in this temporary arrangement.
So what have we been up to? You know we cannot just sit around at home, so we've been getting out and about, despite the colds and the teeth and the exhaustion (oops, wasn't supposed to be whining about that). Two weekends ago, we headed out to a state park in the Perth Hills to have a look around. Unfortunately, there wasn't much to do or see. It appeared to be a lovely picnic destination, but we had no picnic so away we went again.
One lovely discovery we made nearby was a cafe/restaurant called The Lavender Patch. The family who runs it also lives on the land there. It's a beautiful spot and a really nice cafe too! We enjoyed pumpkin soup with fresh lavender bread and some much-needed coffee and cakes. The toilet paper made me nervous though. I know it's just a decoration, but jellyfish do not belong anywhere near my fanny.
This past weekend, we made another visit to the Perth Zoo. Ellie is in it for the horses--the carousel horses, that is.
I really like the Outback Walk where they let the kangaroos and wallabies roam free. We got really close to one wallaby, but just as I snapped the photo, Markus sneezed.
And who can resist the adorable koalas?
Last but not least, a bit of wombat trivia for you:
Who knew a big bum could be so useful?
I'm so glad you guys have a new sleeping arrangement and that it seems that it will work out. Love the pics of your goings about, and the koala picture was adorable ;)
And, the idea of pumpkin soup and lavendar bread intrigued me...I don't think I've thought to make lavendar bread...must work on that now, thanks for mentioning it in your post!
As always, sending much love your way!
See I'm still voting that you get a facebook page! That way you can give quick one line updates as to the musings and living of the family. Who's with me... Quinn, Becky.... Don't you think Jennifer should get a Facebook page! Forget McCain and Obama, I'm voting Jennifer for Facebook!!!
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