She really likes it! She tried it on and (magically!) it fit! She modeled it and insisted I take multiple pictures, all before changing out of her pajamas. Then, she stuffed it in her drawer and it hasn't seen the light of day since. Alas. The funny thing is she really does like it; she just also really likes to wear particular clothing items and this isn't (yet) on the list. As she removed it, she did place an order for one "just like it but a dress." I can do that. Of course, I still have to make Stephanie's. The double gauze fabric is so dreamy that I want to make something for myself out of it too. I have no particular pattern in my possession, and I have a whim to copy something I already have. Ambitious, yes. Crazy at my beginner level, just maybe. We'll see if I dare.
Two days ago, it was Ellie's friend Zoe's birthday. We'll head to her party tomorrow morning, but she needed something special on the day. Ellie helped me do the sewing for this necklace:
I had the idea for this back on Ellie's birthday, but that was pre-sewing-machine, and I was daunted by the work. The sewing machine made it a very quick project, and Zoe loves it! She has worn it for two days, and her mom now plans to snip the ribbon/necklace and sew it onto a t-shirt for repeat wear. For Zoe's birthday party, I've made yet another library bag:

I love these! I can whip them up pretty quickly now, and they make such nice presents. Our favorite gifts are books, so this is fantastic wrapping and a second useful gift all in one!
**Blogger tells me this was my 700th post! Wowsers!
***Update: All of the wool creatures I made for Crafthope have sold! At $20 each, they raised an additional $80 for Doctors Without Borders! Hooray!***
hello, I found your blog through your photos of Australia...anyway, about your cute book bag, Martha Stewart has instructions on her website to make that same thing in a backpack. I've made it loads of times - for birthday party treats and presents - it's a great project for someone relatively new to sewing.
Love the top for Ellie! I love the library bag fabric too :-). Hope you share the results with us when you get Stephanie's top done (and yours too!)
Sending lots of love your way,
P.S. Congrats on the 700th post! I can't wait to keep reading more :-)
Congratulations !! 700 huh....then that means I have been to your site at least 2,000 times cause I am always checking to see if there are any new postings--even when I know it is your nightime. I never tire of looking at all the sweet, the beautiful and interesting picutres, over and over. And just who allowed those precious two to get so big?
I too look forward to lots more.
Much love,
Congratulations on your 700th post! Great sewing job - you're my inspiration and, although I'm LOV-ING my new-found hand stitching abilities, my m-i-l is bringing her unloved and neglected sewing machine over tomorrow morning for me to see if we can get on (me and the machine that is ;-))so you'd better watch out for more enquiries coming to you from NL!!
Love to you all,
Gayle x
Wow! 700 blogs! We, your admirers and groupies, thank you for your amazing pictures and writing. It is my favorite blogspot in the WORLD, which is saying a LOT, because I am addicted to! I LOVE the fabrics you choose, and I want to start sewing again thanks to you! You are an inspiration and a jewel!
nice read. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did any one know that some chinese hacker had hacked twitter yesterday again.
Wow! You all really liked the sewing post, apparently. I can't remember the last time I had so many comments! Thank you!
julia, welcome! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the photos. I will have to check out Martha Stewart for those bags. Here in Australia, kids all need library bags for school, so that's what I've been making for birthday gifts. A backpack adaptation would be a nice idea.
Thanks, Karly, Gayle and Mom for the sewing support! I am having lots of fun creating! I write that like it happens all the time (not exactly the case), but I really enjoy using the little time I find to make something beautiful and useful. I still love the knitting too, and I'm trying not to let sewing take over that. It seems most people either do one or the other, or they alternate. They are such different crafts that they don't seem to work simultaneously. Creating a garment stitch by stitch (knitting) is tremendously satisfying, but sewing one up is a lot faster and still quite fun!
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