This week, Ellie had two playdates with her friend Sophie. She is soooo excited to see Sophie every time. Monday we had the hideous weather, so we met at the Naturalis Museum in Leiden, where the girls proceeded to go insane at a high pitch. They did have fun, but boy-o was the change in weather later in the week most welcome! On Wednesday, Sophie and her mom came to The Hague by train and we all cycled to Clingendael to play. Look at these cute girls in the bakfiets!
This morning, we made a quick trip to the huisarts (family doctor). Ellie woke up from yesterday's nap with a large bug bite on her arm. This morning, it was twice as large and concerning her mama. There are no poisonous bugs in Holland (lucky!), but there was definitely a reaction happening there that I'd rather have checked. This was initiated with trepidation on my part, because the last two visits to the doctor with Ellie proved to be heart-breaking nightmares as she panicked and sobbed her way hysterically through the appointments. Since then, we've done more doctor-prep-talks and hoped today would be okay. She likes the toys in the waiting area. She really liked the doctor's kit and was keen to try the stethoscope after a brief demonstration. Funnily enough, she was afraid for me to use it to "hear" her heartbeat even after I demonstrated on myself and baby Stephanie. She liked using it herself though.
The bug bite is fine, by the way. Diagnosis: just a big reaction to a mosquito. The doctor prescribed some cream in case it starts to bother her more.
Excited to hear about the impending move! So glad to hear that the bug bite wasn't anything serious and that Ellie did better this time at the doctor. Also, I couldn't help but notice on the sidebar the chocolate thing...oh what we mothers will do for our children. Can't wait to get updates on the last few weeks in The Hague and then on the new adventures in Perth! Sending much love...
You have NO IDEA about the chocolate thing. The sidebar cannot capture it. I never was much of a chocolate person until we moved here and had ready access to the GOOD STUFF. Now I am a total junkie and am having serious issues without it. Sigh. This, of course, will mean that chocolate is the source of Stephanie's horrific gas and I will have to give it up or give up breastfeeding (it's a toss-up)(just kidding). Silver lining: this should be easier in Australia. When are you coming to visit? ;)
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