per·se·ver·ance noun \ˌpər-sə-ˈvir-ən(t)s\
Definition of PERSEVERANCE
: continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition : the action or condition or an instance of persevering : steadfastness
Hours later, as I was cooking dinner, Stephanie started dragging a chair across the floor. We asked what she was doing, and she stated matter-of-factly that she wanted to "get the ponytail." We didn't understand what she meant. Here's what she had in mind:

If you look up "tenacious", you may find this pictorial sequence:

The last photo in the series might also be found under the definition for "stinker."
1 comment:
This is most hilarious. Those pictures tell a thousand words! Usually I want to see everyones faces, but your back is so darn cute it was worth it to wait until the second set of pictures to see it! And the little monkey-schatz (is that the right word you use?) how happy and mischievous is SHE!!!
Thank you for sharing!
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