Today was Nikolastag. In the German tradition, Saint Nikolas visits in the night and leaves treats in the children's shoes. Despite lingering wariness of Santa Claus, Ellie was well-familiar with this tradition via her current adoration of the Conni books and she's been looking forward to Nikolastag for weeks! She was thrilled when she woke up this morning to discover Nikolas had left her and Stephanie matching necklaces and chocolates!

Of course, later Oma arrived and brought with her an extra treat each from Nikolas. What an exciting day!
1 comment:
Oh this is so wonderful! Those treats in those cute little shoes! What a wonderful tradition to uphold.
Do you remember the Beth story about this holiday? Apparently they did this same thing in her German class in high school. Beth, being Beth, put out boots instead of shoes, to get more "boot-y"!! But the laugh was on her, the German Santa left twigs in her boots for being gluttonish!
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