Yes, the day was long, but that was mostly me. I woke up like an old lady with a very bad back, and it hurt me most of the day. I seriously mucked up my left shoulder while Ellie was a baby, and it's only gotten worse over time. I really need to get on that...but that's not what you came here to read. the title says, here's what we did on Sunday.
The girls were up excessively early today (okay, 5:45am but still!), so we went for an early walk in King's Park. It was beautiful! Two days ago, the temperature was 40 degrees (around 100F) but this morning it was only 20 (around 70)! So nice!

Afterwards, I took a little scooter ride on my own. I scooted all along the Swan River, and I came to a nice overlook in Mosman Park/Peppermint Grove that I thought you'd like to see:
Later, instead of Markus's usual solo kayak/sail on the river, we all went together. Stephanie (as always) went native.
Markus thinks this picture pretty much sums up our typical summer day here. Stephanie, buck naked and happy as a clam. Ellie, CEO and calling the shots from a relaxed position...
I did a small paddle in the harbor area and really enjoyed the relaxation...but my back was complaining so I soon brought the kayak back to Markus and we swapped. I took the girls home while he enjoyed a longer outing. Sorry, no pictures to share, but just know it was lovely. Really, you should visit and see for yourself.
On Australia Day, Mama took some me-time and went to see "Nine" at the movies. I went solo, and I'm glad I did because I know Markus would have HATED it. The story was weak at best, but the songs were good, the acting was good, and there was a real stage feel to it that I did enjoy. My favorite was the Fergie scene with the tamborines in the sand. That was fantastic, and I may have to go see it again just to watch that. I don't like her faking an accent, but she nailed the song ("Be Italian") beautifully. Everyone stateside (apparently) is making a huge fuss about Kate Hudson, but I thought they were all fabulous. Daniel Day Lewis has a wonderful voice. Who knew? Anyway, hoping to find a snippet of "Be Italian", I browsed online when I came home from the movies and found the "Cinema Italiano" video. So fun! This song is, as Markus describes it, an "ear worm." Like it for itself or not, it sneaks its way in and you can't get it out of your head. Plus, it's really fun dance music. The first time I played the video on the computer at home, the girls caught me shaking my booty all around the kitchen, and now they think this is the greatest song ever. We have listened to it and watched the video together more times than I care to admit, so consider yourself warned.
This is my LONG STORY VERSION of what we were listening to in the car when I was pulled over for a random breathalizer check this afternoon on the way home from the river. I was wearing my swimsuit and rashguard with no pants (woo-hoo!) and grooving to this dance tune on repeat with the girls. We were held up for several minutes since the two losers ahead of me did not blow clean on their tests (HATE DRUNK DRIVERS!!!), but we were all happily dancing in our seats to "Cinema Italiano", which probably played about four times on iPod repeat while we were stuck there. The poor cop who tested me had to look away to keep a straight face.
What did you do this weekend?