Mimi arrived Thursday morning, and we are so happy to have her here! She and Ellie are having a great time together. Ellie wants to tell and show Mimi everything. We've taken advantage of breaks in the crap weather to visit the Mauritshuis and Clingendael, and yesterday we made a trek to Antwerp in search of chocolate and waffles. Mimi says we are not to entertain her, but we can't help ourselves.

Baby Stephanie is growing every day. We can't believe she's almost a month old already! We even caught an accidental baby smile on camera.
Love the pictures and what a cute smile :)
The smiles are NEVER accidental.....or gas!!!
So sweet!!!
Oh yes, and are Ellie's shoes available in a ladies size 9?
Becky again
Ooooh! Jennifer, thank you so much for posting the pictures of Mimi with your beautiful children. I'm verklempt.
Love love love it ! - Gina
Big Hallooo to the Miss Stephanies :) Love the photo of your mom & Ellie strolling down the lane, too cute! Much love, Lee
Mimi is still looking great! Good to see the family all together and enjoying the time together. I wish I was there instead of at work... boo hoo.
Ich bekam gerade ueber Umwege die Adresse von eurem Blog... sehr interessant.
Schoene Gruesse aus Bayern und Glueckwunsch zu eurem suessen Toechterchen!
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