Last term was a difficult one for Ellie. She was so ready to go back after the Christmas/summer break, but over the term, things deteriorated. Although her teacher reported seeing no change in Ellie during the day (perfect behavior as always), we saw some dramatic changes at home. She became very fragile, teary, tantrum-y, and extremely tired. She was a serious handful and didn't even know how to manage herself. She begged to stay home some days and wanted early pick-up on others. She didn't want to learn anymore, which is a big red flag in itself if you know Ellie. Something(s) was really not right, and for the first time ever, I considered pulling her out and homeschooling. I have a lot of theories as to what the problems might be, but Markus keeps reminding me not to jump to conclusions. I hope to do a series of observations soon to see things for myself.
Ellie is an extremely sensitive little soul, and I know interactions with others, whatever the place or occasion, will present challenges for her. It's unlikely we will ever find her The Perfect Place, but to see her attitude toward her school go from sky-high to rock-bottom in weeks was very upsetting to me as her mother (gross understatement there, actually). The good news is the Easter holiday brought her back to herself and let me understand a bit more how to help her. Now, I need to get at the root of the issue(s) and figure out the next steps, if any need taking. No buts about it (sorry, couldn't resist).
Markus is off on Friday and Monday for ANZAC Day, so we're playing hookie again, and again on Tuesday, because Grandmary is coming! Our first visitor from the States (providing she can actually be coaxed into getting on the plane Sunday afternoon)!
I'm sorry that Ellie was having such a difficult time with school...I know that certainly has to be upsetting. I also know that you are so in tune with your little ones, and that you will figure out what the issues are and will be able to decide what to do from there. I have faith in you mama! Sounds like playing hookie was a ton fun and I hope that you all enjoy your visit with Grandmary :-)
Lucky Grandmary!!!
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