Perth is located on the north side of the Swan River, and the suburbs to its west are the most desirable given easy access to downtown, the beach and the river (you can see the river to the right in the picture above, which I took from the huge and lovely Kings Park). The top three suburbs for expats like us are Dalkeith, Nedlands, and Claremont. We live in Claremont. To deal with the population boom, suburbs are spreading and growing like mad. In the western suburbs, you'll find mostly old homes, some complete tear-down/rebuilds, and a lot of sparkly new renovations. The housing market is still in a huge bubble here. Houses on our street are selling for over AU$2 million. It's a nice street with pretty houses, but ouch. BUB-BLE. It can't last. The rental market is booming in an unhealthy way (prices have climbed 100% in the past 3 years by some accounts), while the sales market is starting to stagnate. It's a bit crazy.
There are some big differences in renting here than in other places we've lived. Rent charges are calculated on a weekly basis, allowing owners to rake in a bit more than they would based on a monthly system (ex: weekly rent of $1000 is $52,000 per year versus $4000 per month at a yearly $48,000--and yes, this is a realistic example amount). Housing inspections are conducted regularly, at an average of once every 3 months. From what we hear, the real estate agent makes an appointment and then sends someone to your (rented) home and examines every little thing about how you live, right down to how spotless you keep your sink drains. Within a week of moving in, we had to complete a Property Condition Report (PCR) that detailed every little speck, scratch, dent, etc. in the house. The real estate agent completes it before you move in, and you have one week to record anything different or you are liable for any differences when you move out. Our PCR was 28 pages long, and it took me over 6 hours to complete it. I've lived in military housing that was far more relaxed than this!
That being said, we do live in a very nice house:
Given that it's worth (in the bubble) over AU$2million, I can understand the owners being a bit jumpy. Still, sheesh. Not looking forward to being inspected every 3 months.
Wow, I wouldn't like the idea of an inspection every three months either, but I suppose you do what you do, right? That being said, the house is beautiful! Sounds like Perth will be a good place to be with lots of good outdoor opportunities, which will be nice. Looking forward to more posts and pictures!
Thanks, Karly! And THANK YOU for commenting each and every time! It really helps keep me motivated and makes me feel less like I'm talking to myself here.
You are DEFINITELY not talking to yourself! Besides, I've gotta spread the love and post...anything I can do to help motivate you and keep regular posts, I'm happy to do...I love the Dipe Squad! Plus, I know how cool it is to get posts when you're actively keeping up a website :)
Sending much love your way...
Beautiful house! Great posts! Please don't ever stop!
Okay, you are so not talking to yourself, but right now I'm dealing with two crazy people and my time on the computer has been severely limited... because my mom decided that she wanted to change the configuration around. OIY! I've mainly been reading from the IPOD and it's hard to comment from that thing, especially since I tend to make very long comments.... (I know, I know)...
Just know that you are not talking to yourself...
Take care, azure
BTW, the idea of an inspection every three months is mortifying, but then again look at where I'm coming from.. "You can't bring friends to the house!" (Funny that same line is still being used to this day and that was over 15 years ago... mmmm.... I think it's a conspiracy!)
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