Are you familiar with the song, "Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans?" We used to be, but after having been there three times in the past seven days, we practically feel like residents again. Today, we made an unexpected trek back to the "city beneath the sea" because Miss Ellie needed to see her pediatrician. She has had three upper teeth stalled out mid-teething for weeks now, so when she started getting symptoms like needy-grumpiness (she's normally happy always), stuffy nose and a cough (based on post-nasal drip), I thought those teeth might finally be coming through! On Saturday, she started refusing food. Although she is still happily nursing (and more often than before to make up for lack of baby food), it was noticeable that she still wasn't interested in eating several days later. I called the pediatrician's office this morning, and they found an appointment for us this afternoon. Of course, when we arrived, Ellie was in great spirits. She made friends with everyone in the waiting room and had completely charmed all of the office staff before we saw Dr. Oates. The happy little clam almost had us fooled that she was completely well until Dr. Oates checked her ears. Whew...what an ear infection! It's a good thing we made the trek today, because we'll be flying to Virginia in a week to see the Mimi and our friends there, and this gives us a full week of antibiotic first. Dr. Oates did notice that Ellie's gums are "very full" (her words), so we suspect those tricky teeth had something to do with this. Ellie doesn't seem to mind at all. If anything, she seems relieved that her mama finally figured this out. She was happy all day and even ate a jar of baby food this afternoon.
Look at this face! How could I not be completely crazy about this little girl?

In other news, this morning I finally was able to mail the insurance checks to the mortgage company. It is now out of my hands, at least for the moment. I don't usually write about handling my dad's estate in this blog, but this is seriously newsworthy! For the few of you who know the extent of this estate management debacle, this is INCREDIBLE, FABULOUS news. For those of you who don't, just trust me on this and realize that today was a VERY good day for me! I even managed to have a chat with my very-busy-and-thus-elusive contractor. Let's just hope another road block doesn't come up. This has been an incredibly arduous process, and many road blocks have popped up where I've least expected them. Keep your fingers crossed that we are past that now. I would love to see this beast work out!
Jennifer -
Look at you, fancy pants! Your updated blog loks great! I have been away at a conference for a few days and just returned to my email, expecting to be able to lend you some blogging assistance .. glad I checked in here first! No need for my help! You go, girl!
I'm glad that today was a good day of accomplishment.
Also - Pride and Prejudice = one of my favorite reads. When you finish, do youself a favor and watch all 6 hours of the BBC version.
Thanks, Gail! I owe it all to you and your html know-how! I had no idea what that template page was all about. You have opened my eyes to a whole new learning opportunity! :)
I was inspired to finally read "Pride and Prejudice" after watching the latest movie version. Is the BBC version much better? Six hours is a BIG commitment for me these days!
The BBC version is so good that I maintain a boycott of the new version in the firm belief that nothing could be as good as Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy.
The 6 hours are actually broken up into 6 one hour "episodes". I myself always find it necessary to watch all 6 hours in one go, but people with lives could actually watch it hour by hour.
FYI- sorry to join the conversation so late but I own the 6 hour BBC version and would be happy to lend it. If only you were in VA a bit longer... Maybe during our girlie celebration in February next year?
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