Later, back on Earth, we purchased a new DVD. LOVE the parental guidance label...one must always be concerned about PERIL!!

And last but not least, a word on mail (thank you for the reminder, Gail!). Just add it to my ever-growing list of things I find strange and uncomfortable around here. Mail is not delivered to the house. Anyone's house (except probably the Emir). How strange it feels not to check the mail every day (even though I'm used to bills and junk). To receive mail, one has to pay for a P.O. box in the center of town (all neighborhood branch boxes are fully rented out). For an additional fee of around 1400 riyals per year, a service will collect the mail from your box and deliver it to you at your office. Or you can just have the mail sent directly to your work address. That's what we're planning to do.
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