Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy to be home!

I have so much Sydney trip goodness to share, but not today. Today, we are catching up, settling in and are generally happy to be home. As much as I liked Sydney, the trip was really hard on the girls. Neither ate much, drank much or slept well (Stephanie hardly slept at all). They were happy enough during the days that we had a good trip all in all, but oh baby are they happy to be home! Stephanie had a hard time falling asleep last night, but once she did, she slept through and woke up happy as ever. She ate like a horse, guzzled water, played and played...and passed out again for a 3 hour nap. Then she ate, guzzled water, played and played...and passed out again for a 2 hour nap. She's catching up. Ellie too. They watched so many DVDs during the trip (we wanted to let them relax as much as possible when in the apartment) that we declared this weekend TV-free...and there have been surprisingly few complaints. Ellie played with Markus almost all day, inside or outside in the cubby house. They went to the playground, to the grocery store...and just relaxed. It's been a great day, and it's good to be home.


Karly said...

So glad that the girls are settling back in, that you and Markus are settling back in, and that you are all happy to be home!! :)

azure said...

Since you are back at home... Why don't I give you a bit of news that reminds you of your Mississippi home? Brad and Brooke won a BBQ competition and were on Regis and Kelly. I know you're big a fan of the Shed and I just wanted to let you know... WLOX and Sun Herald will have all of the details..... Glad to hear you got out of town for awhile... Bummed that your Stateside trip may not happen. Hope all is well. Take care. Azure