Thursday, August 06, 2009

After all, she did win the "Best Hair" award in high school...

To help me combat The Crazy that descended on our house this weekend, I escaped for a haircut (peace and quiet with a magazine) on this past Saturday afternoon. Then, on Sunday, my gorgeous redhead girlfriend and I went out for girls' lunch. We always take a photo together at the end, and this time, she said she didn't want to show me. I wondered what hideous expression I must be making, so I asked her why I couldn't see it. She said, "I don't want you to be embarrassed, but with your hair looking so nice, you really look like a movie star!"

I think the only embarrassing part is the idea that such lavish sentiments might be possible more often if I were motivated to blow-dry my own hair.


Karly said...

What a terrific picture!!! You look fabulous! (and so does your friend!)

Anonymous said...

The TWO of you are drop dead gorgeous! Makes us mere mortals very envious, in a happy sort of way!

schlelly said...

Oh! The joys of a new haircut and style! Don't worry though, you and you're hair are still fabulous, even when you don't have it dried all fancy like :-) Ladies lunch looks like fun!