Today, Ellie starts second grade at Sewickley Academy. She is in Ms. Boehmig's (pronounced "Bay-mig") class. Here, I actually got a smile as she sat down at her desk for the first time.
After months of change and without school, Ellie was understandably apprehensive this morning. There were tears and fears of my leaving her there. After a while, she let go of me long enough for me to go get her a tissue...and when I returned, her teacher had taken my place. She was snuggled in close to Ellie, soothing her with kind words and offering reassurance.

This is going to be a great year!
I hope she comes home happy after a great day at school and that her apprehension diminishes with each day.
Thanks, Gayle! I hope so too! We're going to have an extra-easy afternoon and evening at home, methinks.
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