Saturday, December 19, 2009

New Christmas tradition

Earlier in the week, temperatures dropped unexpectedly due to the smokey layer in the air, and I was prompted to seek a quick playdate alternative to swimming. We had invited over a family with three kids, and I wanted to make sure five kiddos total could stay engaged and happy for a while. We made a quick trip to the local bakery and picked up gingerbread house kits and then to the grocery store to buy some candy decorations. As it turned out, the kids wanted to swim anyway (kids have such different internal thermostats), so we saved the gingerbread house for another day.
Ellie had so much fun decorating it! We think it appeals to her meticulous nature. Baby Stephanie very helpfully ensured we did not have any extra Smarties to wrangle (Smarties are like M&Ms, larger, lacking the M, and made by Nestle).

We know we will be making one every year!


Anonymous said...

Precious! And Ellie is so adorable! Didn't want Baby Stephanie to eat too much and get a tummy ache! And she is doing a GREAT job decorating her little house! What a good "Mum" you are!

"Ur Mum"

schlelly said...

Can you tell I'm back at work today? And obviously trying to distract my self from the pile of work I need to get done?

Ellie's got quite the accent! She'll love having these videos when she gets older. Of course Mama's perfect loops aren't a sign of a meticulous nature...
