Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Stay tuned

If you're a regular, thanks for checking in! I know we have a (relatively big) time lag here on a blog that I try to update quite regularly. This week is a hectic, manic, and more-than-slightly-full week following last week's unusual 5-straight-evenings-of-chaos, and the blog has had to give. That being said, we're nearly to the mid-point of the week, so it will start to slow down again. Before you know it, we will be back to your regularly scheduled programming, so to speak. For you MacGyver types, here's a bit of Down Under trivia to tide you over:


Anonymous said...

Back in the USA! Oh wait, Hawaii is the USA. That flight certainly made it feel like it was overseas. Apparently on the second leg from LA, in the deep sleep I was apparently in, I took the blanket off my lap and wrapped it around my head... Eric said he saw me do it and figured my head was cold. I don't remember this at all and woke up burning up and wondering why my head was so hot but was still sleepy enough to just pull it off, wonder - 'WHAT THE???' and go back to sleep.

Kangaroo poo - who knew?!?

Jennifer said...

I'm sorry, but that's just too much of an image for me. When I stop laughing so hard, I'll have to respond properly. :)